Sarah you wanted to know how I can use this web page to increase flexible learning?
I am replying here as have replied twice in the comments box but seem to have lost it, so sorry if they appear some where else. So here goes
The reason why I thought of introducing this web page is I am concerned about the way students use their self directed time and want to try and engage them. I could add images on Moodle but don't know if they would look. Moodle is set in a formal layout and maybe something more colourful and easy to get around might engage them!!!!!
Pinterest is colourful, easy to get around and share images and ideas. I have created my space, creating pin boards which I have named and add what I like or inspires me. You can bring images from other pages to this site, adding comments that all can share.
Next semester I am teaching an accessories paper which includes fabric manipulation. This can be very boring and old hat so need to create something to draw the students. I have one of my boards set up adding images that inspire me for fabric manipulation. I thought if the class joined it would be a great way of sharing but also see what inspires the student/s.
They could use their pin boards as their work books collecting images and references as they go. This way they wouldn't need to continually print off images and then paste them in a book. It could be a new concept for collecting and sharing research. The board could also be a mood board that inspires them again something that they can share in class either on line or if they decided they could print it off... giving the link to the lecturer for their assessment. Fun way of working on a work book remembering that you can add from other sources as well. Could be a photo they have taken, a quote they like ..... what... ever .. inspires...
Learning looks fun, different than when I was at school in the 60's. THANK GOODNESS....