Monday, 12 March 2012

Bronwyn making this old brain work!!!! More thoughts....

Thanks for your comments Bronwyn.  I haven't realised how much we focus on flexible learning when we are teaching.  This paper has made me aware of how I work as a lecturer and maybe in the home as well.

I would agree with your comment that some times we can focus on what is required and try and cram in too much.   I am new to teaching but realise that as a mum and a student, small and manageable steps work way better when trying to learn/teach.   I would prefer not to overload students as it all takes time and practice to remember, hence manageable steps, with time to absorb. Not many people remember things first time round, it is the time to reinforce that matters. 

Sometimes I feel we try to achieve TOO MANY OUTCOMES when less would work just as well.  Not so stressful for either the student or the teacher!! and way more rewarding for both.  

This old brain likes to rethink what it has been taught, so does the young brain.  If we don't overload we have time to revisit when, or if a student/students need to reabsorb what has been taught.  As they have lots to learn... and so do we.   

I remember when I returned to study as a mature student !!! and scared of the 'mouse'.....  The student beside me looked so confident and this made me more stressed.  In the end I learned from a manual at home with the help in class and that worked best for me.  I was lucky as I had a teenage son who would sit beside me and I would write down the steps, and with confidence the 'mouse' became my friend.  A friend, who is a school teacher, commented that no one learns from a manual.  Something I will always remember as we all have different learning styles, just like personalities, so we must be flexible to help each student.

Today I was asking my students about using the computer as I have discovered very few are using Moodle, yet we are encouraged to place work on this forum so that students have access to this at all times.  I have discovered that one of the class of 11 has not or does not like using a computer.  This surprised me as I have sons of similar ages and thought that this generation would be very computer savvy!!!  my mistake and how many others are there in the system???  So I asked more questions and have discovered that the others love exploring the net but not Moodle.  If it was face book I bet they would all follow.....Maybe that's where the work should go...  The one who uses Moodle the most, struggled with the work at the start but has taken OWNERSHIP and Moodle works for her as she revisits the pages several times to help her learning.  Good on her. 

I then asked the students if I placed, (which I have placed,) work on Moodle would they look??  Answer MAYBE.  So now I will log on in class and walk them through the steps of how to get to Moodle - the info and then watch to see if they return.   Also I have discovered some in this block of students are used to being given handouts and with Polytechnic policy to save the trees,  we need to make sure - BE FLEXIBLE - that the students are able to learn in a way that suits their learning styles.  I explained today if we place the info on Moodle / net, or any other forum, they could print a hard copy if that is how they learn.

I feel I need to look at other places to place work and guide students, and look forward to exploring delicious .  Thanks Bronwyn.. If we used a forum that they can contribute to would that work better???

Maybe.  Love to hear from others.  

Sorry for this long evaluation, but sitting in the sun with Izzy cuddled in and home alone for tea. Feeling stressed as a student and anxious to help my students to achieve what is best for them. 

Talk soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Joan what a great evaluation of the situation with your students. You have shown so clearly how as teachers we can be making assumptions about what our students can do. Orienting students to the organisational learning management system has been shown to be critical to their success in using this kind of online learning environment. The first stage is Access, then socialisation and according to Gilly Salmon (2004) this needs to occur before students can interact online. Her five stage model of moderation is applicable to all areas of online learning. Motivation is closely tied up with successful access to the online environment. Even when students are skilled in using technologies for fun, they need guidance in how to use them for learning, and this is where the teacher comes in.

    Also, I have found that if 'young people' don't have ready access to a computer at home, their computing confidence and skills is often lacking. My research has shown that self-efficacy in using technology is tied closely to characteristics such as perseverance and a willingness to make mistakes, and to do that you need ready access to the technology. Do you agree?

    If you think your students would interact better on Facebook why don't you think about setting up a class activity on a Facebook group, and get them to help you design it. For example, would they be willing to share websites for a start around a particular topic or photos of representing their learning in a specific activity. It would be particularly valuable if they described what the photo was showing, and then gave each other feedback on the item shown in the photo. What sort of things could you get them to do?
