Thursday, 15 March 2012

What does flexible learning mean to me???

Thanks Lisa I really enjoyed our time discussing this.  As both of us are fairly new to teaching it is great to share ideas, stories, stresses and rewards.....
Well what does flexible learning mean to me???  and why do I need to use a more flexible approach in my class...

What does it mean???
Being flexible in how I deliver, the way I deliver, considering the students I am teaching at the time.  Or should I say a good listener, observer, juggler and problem solver.   To be flexible I need to get to know my students, observing how they learn, they way engage and how I can inspire them.

Why do I need to be flexible?
 I teach with the certificate students who complete a 6 months course.  Each group may achieve more or these than the last group.  I need to be flexible in what I deliver as some need more and others less but still need to cover the learning outcomes.  Always having something there to extend or develop an idea when the opportunity arises.  Also watching the student who is quietly, or sometimes 'not so quietly' spin out so you can catch and guide before they switch off or walk away.  (No wonder I feel like I have run a marathon at the end of the class).  
Each student has his or her own way of retaining information (different learning styles) so it is important to offer the content in more than one way.  You will see students switch off if you continually stood at the front of the class  explaining and demonstrating but not letting them experiment for them selves. (The class I am taking at the moment is a practical course so all students are keen to have a go with reassurance from us, learning from trying.)  
I like to quietly ask each students things that would help their learning, but also asking the group getting them all to participate in the feedback.  Have been asking them about using the computers, are they are comfortable using, if I placed information on Moodle would they look at it.  It has been interesting hearing the answers.  Not all use the computer as I explained in my last blog yet this is where we target.  Some don't even look at their Poly emails. Today I decided to sit with the students getting them watch how to get into Moodle, hopefully taking notes of the steps to get back there on their own.  I have told them I am going to keep putting new info on there for them so they can return in their own time when they need to view something..
I came through the system where we learned when, how and what we were told, asking no questions.  The teacher always RIGHT.  Flexibility encourages the students to think, ask questions and explore new ideas.  I don't always know the answers but like to explain to the student/s that we can search together and see if we can find the answers.  We both learn and way more rewarding for both parties.

What do I need to  explore to help this happen?
Be aware of the students and try and find a way that the students will engage in their own learning especially in their self directed time.  Our students have double the class time self directed.  I see this as a real problem if we can't find a way to engage them and help them find info when they need it. I would like to look into a way of setting up something/somewhere that the students can use a forum to share and help each other.  I do wonder about Face book but I am trying to get the students more comfortable in using Moodle as if these students carry on that is the way info is delivered to these students.
A mediam I would like to introduce to the students is a web page called pinterest.  I don't know if you are aware of this but it is a forum that you can pin interest items to create a pin board and this is shared with others using the site. It is bright and fresh  and easy to use.  Comments can be placed by both you and others.  I wonder if it would work if all the class logged on and then shared interest.    This web link is great to inspire!! Covering just about anything linking images to other web pages.

What goals do you have for using Flexible Learning in your work?
My biggest goal would be to have a better understanding of flexible ways to deliver that will work for the students to inspire them so learning is fun. Having resources available to them in different ways especially when they are self directed.  It would be good to encourage them to help each other.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post and for the link to Pintrest. I have heard a lot about it but haven't used it yet. How do you think you can use it to increase flexible learning?
